Leverage Quotes

Nate: Ok, let's go steal an auction.

TV Show: Leverage
Hardison: I hacked history!

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: [In the vault, looking at pieces of art] Oh, hello. The last time I saw you was at the Louvre. Well actually it was the back seat of my car...

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: [to the auctioneer she snuck up on] Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? [presses the rag in his face until he goes unconscious]

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: Let's go steal a federal witness.

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: [after she tasers the mark] I am really starting to enjoy this tasering thing... Is that bad?

TV Show: Leverage
Sophie: You watch hockey fights, alone, at night, in your room?
Eliot: Yeah. You never know if you're gonna have to fight a guy on ice.

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: Don't stab, don't stab, don't stab.

TV Show: Leverage
Eliot All right Nate, the guy in the bed with the dead hooker con is up and running.
Hardison Hey, man, it's called the Vegas wake-up call.
Eliot It's not, all right, the Vegas wake-up call, the boyfriend shows up.

TV Show: Leverage
Sophie So. It's the lawyer, the prosecutor, the deal, and the dead girl in the bed. It's the Cuban sandwich.

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: Okay, bad enough it's Christmas and there's no snow on the ground, but this is Santa we're talking about, okay? We can't turn away Santa!
Nate: You know that's not really Santa, right?
Parker: Obviously. Santa lives at the North Pole.

TV Show: Leverage
[Hardison is in disguise with other FBI agents and they just caught Cha0s]
Cha0s: You gotta admit, it was a good plan.
Hardison: Yeah. There's one thing you didn't count on...
Cha0s: [as he's being carted off by agents] Ohh no...
Hardison: You forgot...
Cha0s: No...
Hardison: About the true meaning...
Cha0s: No, don't you say it!!
Hardison: ...of Christmas.
Cha0s: My god, that barely applies here!!
Hardison: [smiles] Ho ho ho.

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: The plan is... to make up the plan in the car.

TV Show: Leverage
[Eliot is working as a mall Santa]
Annoying Kid: I want a Rubbery Robby!
Eliot: You're gonna get a Sammy spanking, you don't get off my lap.

TV Show: Leverage
Eliot: You bought us gifts?
Sophie: Oh, I wouldn't say that, exactly. We, ah, obtained.

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: Let's go steal the Department of Defense.
Parker: Isn't that treason?
Nate: We'll give it back.

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: Does it blow up?
Hardison: Not everything blows up, Parker.
Parker: Everything blows up, silly.

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: Who taught you how to drive?
Sophie: Taxi driver in Istanbul.
Parker: [grins] I like it.

TV Show: Leverage
Hardison: We got to get on that freight car.
Parker: I have an idea.
Sophie: Am I gonna hate it?
Parker: No, but he is.
Parker: You got an idea?
Hardison: Yeah.
Parker: Am I gonna hate it?
Hardison: No, but I am.

TV Show: Leverage
Parker: You know what I'm in the mood for?
Hardison: What?
Parker: Pretzels.

TV Show: Leverage
Moreau: None of that is true.
Nate: Ah, who cares? True, schmoo!
Moreau: Who are you?
Nate: You know how it feels like you've been poked by a stick, you know, over these last six months or so? I'm that stick.

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: Let's go steal a country.

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: Now, we've been in this situation before, I've pushed you into it.
Parker: You were drunk. Suuuuper drunk.
Nate: Thanks, Parker. I remember that.

TV Show: Leverage
Sophie: Nate, I have to say, of all the deceitful, unprincipled, corrupt things I've done in my entire life, nothing's as bad as-
Nate: Politics?
Sophie: I can't even say it.

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: You know what I have? I have a 24 year old genius with a smartphone and a problem with authority. You never stood a chance.

TV Show: Leverage
Nate: Yeah, you have every right to be proud.
Sophie: I am. I'm proud. You know, we didn't just con someone, we built something.
Nate: Well, we did subvert democracy.
Sophie: Ugh. Eggs, omelets.

TV Show: Leverage
Timothy Hutton - Nathan Ford
Gina Bellman - Sophie Devereaux
Christian Kane - Eliot Spencer
Beth Riesgraf - Parker
Aldis Hodge - Alec Hardison

TV Show: Leverage