Life Quotes

Charlie Crews: Just because the wings were fake doesn't mean she wasn't an angel.
Dani Reese: Isn't there an off button?
Crews: I know she wasn't an angel, on-a-cloud-with-a-harp-angel, but maybe she was angel in the way we all might be angels.
Reese: We all might be angels? Crews, let me tell you something, you know there may be a few things that I don't know about myself but I'm sure I'm not an angel.
Crews: See that is exactly the kind of humble thing an angel might say. [Places an angel statuette on the dashboard; Reese grabs it and throws it away] That was very hostile.
Reese: That wasn't close to hostile.

TV Show: Life
Dani Reese: No ID on her or left in the room.
Charlie Crews: It's like she fell out of the sky.
Reese: She fell out of a window.
Crews: It's like she was no one.
Reese: No one is no one.
Crews: Now you sound like me.
Reese: [startled] Take that back.
Crews: Would it be so bad?

TV Show: Life
[Reese notices the angel statuette on the dashboard again and grabs it but can't remove it]
Charlie Crews: Industrial glue. It's what holds us together.

TV Show: Life
Reese: Do you really have any tattoos?
Crews: You wanna see 'em?
Reese: Absolutely not.

TV Show: Life
Crews: I knew a prostitute at Pelican Bay whose name was Angel.
Reese: They have women at Pelican Bay?
Crews: Well, she wasn't a woman woman, and just to make it clear, I didn't know her. Him. Didn't know her/him. But she did make a nice carrot cake.

TV Show: Life
Charlie Crews: Every moment you spend wishing you were someplace else is a moment you can't get back.
Dani Reese: What about every moment I wish you were someplace else?

TV Show: Life
Crews: You fall you hit the bottom. The bottom breaks, you fall some more. You get lost. And now I tell myself ... it is what it is and I'm doing my best. I hope.

TV Show: Life
Dani Reese: Focus on the words I'm actually saying.

TV Show: Life
[Talking about a missing victim]
Crews: She's twenty-two years old. Aren't they all on MySpace, YourSpace, Facebook, Faceplace?
Reese: How do you know about that?
Crews: Everybody knows about that. Don't you want a whole bunch of new friends? Don't you want them to know where you are all the time?

TV Show: Life
Crews: You didn't die. You survived what happened to you. You lived through that and here you are. Did you ever think you could live through such a thing. There's real violence in the world Nancy. It never finds most people, it found you. But did you ever think you would have the strength to survive what he did to you? Thats your secret Nancy. Larson doesn't know it. Larson doesn't know how strong you are. Prison doesn't know how strong he made you.

TV Show: Life
Crews: You're right, Rick; Hate is a prison. But you know what? Prison is a prison too!

TV Show: Life
Dani Reese: You think you hit bottom, Rick? You have no idea how far down this goes, do you? You think you're bad, you think you got a demon inside of you? You don't even know what that means!

TV Show: Life
Lieutenant Davis: It's not about keeping immigrants out of that neighborhood, it's about drugs and money. What have we learned?
Reese and Crews: [in unison] It's always about drugs and money.

TV Show: Life
Crews: I didn't know you spoke Farsi.
Reese: My mother's Persian. She'd speak it to me growing up.
Crews: What about your father?
Reese: He forbid this when he was in the house.

TV Show: Life
Crews: You think you can get to level 10?
Computer Tech: Detective, I'm 30 years old, I live with my mother, and I have a Captain Kirk costume in my closet.

TV Show: Life
Charlie Crews: How come you only call me when someone's dead?

TV Show: Life
Crews: Okay so we have one dead guy married to two women.
Reese: Half a dead guy...
Crews: Half a dead guy.

TV Show: Life
Crews: The Chinese symbol for war is two women under one roof.

TV Show: Life
[Crews enters his house and sees the cops searching it.]
Crews: Hey! It's kind of like a party except, this is my house and I don't remember sending out invites.
IAD Agent: Detective Crews, in that you are a person of interest in the killing of Carl Ames the District Attorney's office has issued a search warrant for these premises, as well as the occupants therein.
Crews: [to Ted] Don't you wish you could talk that way?

TV Show: Life
IAD Agent: Detective Crews, what where your feelings toward Carl Ames?
Crews: My feelings toward Ames were the same as my feelings toward anyone.
Agent: And those would be?
Crews: That none of us are alone. That even as we exhale it is inhaled by others.
Agent: Is that some kind of joke?
Crews: Laughter is the best medicine. Reader's Digest. I had a subscription at Pelican Bay.

TV Show: Life
Reese: [to Crews] He was not looking for the person not obeying the law. He was looking for the person not not obeying the law. That kinda talk remind you of anyone?

TV Show: Life
Zen Recording: [voiceover] We are none of us alone. Even as we exhale it is inhaled by others. The light that shines upon me shines upon my neighbor as well. In this way everything is connected. Everything is connected to everything else. In this way I am connected to my friend even as I am connected to my enemy. In this way there is no difference between me and my friend. In this way there is no difference between me and my enemy. We are none of us alone.

TV Show: Life
Charlie Crews: I was being serious; why does nobody take me seriously?

TV Show: Life
Reese: Alright, I have to know... What's the deal with the fruit?
Crews: Do you know what you eat in prison?
Reese: Crap?
Crews: Crap... no fresh fruit... ever. I missed it.
Reese: I don't think it'll be fruit I'll be missing.
Crews: Yeah, you would.

TV Show: Life
Crews: [about his meeting with Reese's father] Do you want to know what he wanted?
Reese: He always wants the same thing.
Crews: Oh, yeah. What's that?
Reese: Everyone else's unhappiness.

TV Show: Life
Reese: [referring to a room with bars on the windows, locks on the doors] Can you imagine living like this?
Crews: Don't have to.
Reese: Yeah.
Crews: Because of the whole prison thing.
Reese: Copy that.
Crews: About your dad....
Reese: Yeah, let me make this easy on you: I spent my whole childhood trying to figure out if my dad was only mean or just plain bad. And you... I don't really understand you. I don't really like you but... you're not one of the bad guys. [Long pause] If I had your money I would be on a beach somewhere... How come you're not on a beach somewhere?
Crews: Do I look like I tan?

TV Show: Life
Crews: I investigate things to complete my knowledge. My complete knowledge makes my thoughts sincere. My thoughts being sincere, my heart is pure.

TV Show: Life
Charlie Crews: So I'm always in motion. I'm never in one place. I'm never here. Just more likely to be here than not to be here. I'm not here. You like that, don't you?
Dani Reese: If only that were true.

TV Show: Life
Crews: See that car... not here. That building... not here. Not actually here, just more likely to be here than to not be here. That dog... not here. That girl... not here. Too bad about that. This street... this city... everything... not here.
Reese: If you're not here, how come I can still see you?

TV Show: Life
Crews: What would you come back as? Reincarnation. Don't limit yourself you can choose an animal.
Reese: This one time should be plenty. Thank you.
Crews: I'd like to come back as a giant Flemish rabbit. 15 pounds of pure bunny. Or a whale can you imagine being a whale, thousands of feet under water. Can you imagine that.
Reese: Is it quiet down there?

TV Show: Life