Life Quotes

Crews: So everyone going to that Zen center was just completely screwed up. Right?
Reese: People go there seeking peace. People seek what they don't have. Only troubled people seek peace.

TV Show: Life
Zen recording: [voiceover] The Buddha was asked if he ever felt anger. "Of course," said the Buddha. The Buddha was asked if he ever felt the desire to strike another. "Of course," said the Buddha. "But if I am connected to all things," said the Buddha, "hurting another is hurting myself. And how does that better me?"
Crews: It just does. [tosses tape out window and drives away]

TV Show: Life
[While Ted and Charlie take Rachel back to Charlie's house]
Charlie Crews: Ted?
Ted Early: Yeah?
Crews: If anyone tries to stop us go ahead and take my gun and shoot them.

TV Show: Life
Crews: I saw that commercial, the moth on the cotton ball.
Brenford: It's a butterfly on a cloud.
Crews: Oh... now I get it. [pause] Frozen solid.
Reese: Do you have to touch everything?

TV Show: Life
Tidwell: Who do you like? For the killing?
Reese: Oh... well the research assistant had means and the animal rights group had motivation.
Tidwell: Married? The dead guy, was he married?
Crews: No.
Tidwell: Then the assistant is your killer. Human nature. Men and women working together always end up banging and most people are killed by the person they're banging.
Reese: Well, that's just not true.
Tidwell: Yeah, it's a fact. Come on, Crews, back me up on this.
Crews: Well, you two work together. When you have sex who's going to kill who?
Reese: If I have sex with him you're going to kill me immediately.
Crews: [looks at Tidwell] She's an aggressive female.

TV Show: Life
Ted: That was your partner... she says there's a dead guy... she wants to know if you want to catch who killed him.

TV Show: Life
Zen recording: [voiceover] Chasing after the world brings only chaos. Allowing it to come to be brings only peace. Retreat from the world and it will pursue you. To exist, to allow the world to exist, all things at once, all things as one. This is the path to serenity, to balance, see yourself as part of the world.

TV Show: Life
Zen recording: [voiceover] The greatest mistake is to be continually fearful of making one. To stumble may prevent a fall. To say that we make a mistake is to say that we are alive. To cease to make mistakes is to cease to be alive. The Buddha was once asked if he'd ever made a mistake, to which he replied "I am making one even now, nothing more.".

TV Show: Life
Rachel: Even after what I saw, I thought you did it.
Charlie: You want to know something? For a few years, when I was in prison, Rachel, I thought I did it too.
Rachel: Is that the absolute truth you tell a total stranger?
Charlie: Yeah, I guess it is.

TV Show: Life
Crews: It is not what we carry with us but what we let go that defines us.

TV Show: Life
Zen Recording: [voiceover] When I wish to forgive another, what do I mean? I mean I wish to forgive myself. When I wish to harm another, what do I mean? I mean I wish to harm myself. Close your eyes and think of the world as seen from space. From that distance it is calm, silent, at peace, one.

TV Show: Life
Ted Earley: How do you know this?
Amanda Puryer: I know everything.
Ted Earley: What's that like?
Amanda Puryer: Almost always disappointing.

TV Show: Life
Robert Stark: [On delivering an M-4 carbine to Crews] It's not Zen Charlie.
Charlie Crews: It'll just have to do until Zen comes along.

TV Show: Life
Zen recording: [voiceover] What we learned as children, that one plus one equals two, we know to be false. One plus one equals one. We even have a word for when you, plus another, equals one. That word is love.

TV Show: Life

Charlie Crews: It's all connected, Reese.
Dani Reese: What is?
Charlie Crews: It is.

TV Show: Life

Charlie Crews: It's like she's no one.
Dani Reese: No one is no one.
Charlie Crews: Now you sound like me.
Dani Reese: Take that back.

TV Show: Life

Charlie Crews: Kidnapping? Who is kidnapping? We are not kids and no one is napping

TV Show: Life

Charlie Crews: Maybe life is a dream and we wake up when we die?

TV Show: Life

Charlie Crews: Revenge is a poison meant for others that we swallow ourselves.

TV Show: Life

Charlie Crews: You don't have to understand 'here' to be 'here.'

TV Show: Life
David Jordan: Goodnight, nobody.

Movie: Life
Rory Adams: Control, if you're listening, and you probably are 'cause you're creepy that way, can I just rant for a second about the micromanagement? We're not blood-filled meat puppets. I come from a long line of plumbers that can fix a shower, but I can't. Well, Hugh doesn't shower anyway - he's British. It's not being critical, you're just a very under-bathed nation; everybody knows it.

Movie: Life
Rory Adams: I miss my fucking dog. Goodnight.

Movie: Life
Rory Adams: This is some Re-Animator shit.
Ekaterina Golovkina: That's a very obscure reference.
Hugh Derry: Not for a nerd.
Rory Adams: Not if you're a nerd.

Movie: Life
Miranda North: I know what I feel is not rational, not scientific.
Miranda North: I feel hate. I feel pure fucking hate for that thing.

Movie: Life
David Jordan: Don't open. No, no, no.

Movie: Life
Hugh Derry: It's just surviving. Life's very existence requires destruction. Calvin doesn't hate us. But he has to kill us in order to survive.

Movie: Life
Hugh Derry: Do you like peas?

Movie: Life
Miranda North: They're not coming to rescue us. It's Firewall Three.
David Jordan: What?
Miranda North: Firewall One was the box. And Firewall Two was the lab. And Firewall Three is the station.

Movie: Life
James Dean: One more orgasm behind you and one step closer to death.

Movie: Life