Limbo Quotes
Albright: What are you buying when you get on a roller coaster? Not risk... but the illusion of risk. Being hurled to the edge of danger but knowing that you'll never have to cross it. Now Mr. Disney's innovation was to put these carnival rides and attractions into a story context where you can imagine yourself as a character in one of his cartoon epics floating through a plaster of paris jungle. The obvious next step... is not bigger and better facsimiles of nature but nature itself. Think of Alaska as one big theme park.
Movie: Limbo
Noelle De Angelo: Winter has locked us in its icy embrace. The pelts of the animals are thick and bluish and our home is blanketed with snow. Papa calls it limbo because it sure isn't heaven and it's too cold to be hell. Mother wondered about purgatory, but he said no. Purgatory has an end to it. Don't torture me so, said Mother.
Movie: Limbo
Priest: You know, it's not the church's job to walk you through the gates of heaven. It's here to let you know there is one.
Movie: Limbo