Lost Quote

[four minute warning alarm is sounding]
Jack: [to Locke] Open the door.
Locke: Let go of me Jack.
Jack: Or what? You wanna push the button? Open the door.
[one minute warning alarm blares]
Jack: It's under a minute now John, you better think fast.
Locke: You wouldn't.
Jack: What? I "wouldn't" what?
Locke: If we don't... you would risk everyone's lives?
Jack: You talked me into pushing that button once John, but it's yours now. You're the one who won't risk it. You. Me? I don't think anything's going to happen when we get down to zero.
Locke: [struggling] Jack-
Jack: You wanna see what's gonna happen? Let's just SEE what's gonna happen!

TV Show: Lost


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