Madeline Quotes

Lord Covington: [spotting Madeline in Lady Covington's room at the hospital] Who gave you permission to be in here?
Madeline: N-n-nobody, Lord, um, Covington.
Lord Covington: This is a hospital, it's not a play room. You're not allowed to just wander around.
Madeline: Yes, sir.

Movie: Madeline
Leopold the Tutor: I'm teaching him Latin, I'm teaching him biology, algebration, calculometry, physiconomy, and astrology.
Mr. Spanish Ambassador: But he doesn't even know how to read!

Movie: Madeline
Narrator: And afraid of a disaster, Miss Clavel ran fast and faster.

Movie: Madeline
Pepito: [Showing the girls his guillotine] It's quick, silent and deadly.
Aggie: Like Helene's special cheese.

Movie: Madeline