Money Monster Quote

Lee Gates: You know what happened. It was a computer glitch.
Kyle Budwell: A glitch! A glitch! A glitch! Shut up about the glitch! All right? What the hell does that even mean? You see, you don't even know. I'm not stupid, Lee. I told you, because somehow these clowns lost $800 million overnight. Overnight. And nobody's even actually explained how. How is something like that even possible, huh? It's not a rhetorical question. I want an answer.
Lee Gates: What do you want from me, man? I don't run Ibis. I'm just a guy on TV.
Kyle Budwell: Shut up, Lee! Shut up! No, no. Do not do that, Lee. Do not do that. You don't get to pass the buck today, Lee. Not today. Not with me.

Movie: Money Monster


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