Mr. Fix It Quotes

Sophia: I like a man who can dance. I like a man who is spontaneious.
Lance Valenteen: Let's go to Paris, right now!
Sophia: I like a man who is romantic.
Lance Valenteen: Should I compare you to a summer day? Nooo, you are more lovely.
Sophia: I like man who dares.
Lance Valenteen: You're falling in love with me, aren't you?
Sophia: And I like a man who is funny.
Lance Valenteen: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rinocerus? Elfiner.
Sophia: I like a man who sacrifices making a lot of money to persue his dream, a dream which he can reach it and one which he cannot wait to share it with me... and I like a man who is in touch with the child that lives inside and he likes to play childish games and he's not embarrased to play them with me... and i like a man who is willing to take a little faith and i can see his faith in us everytime he looks at me and i can feel it in his touch everytime he careses me. But, most of all, I like a man who knows how to quit when he is ahead.

Movie: Mr. Fix It