My Cousin Vinny Quote

Vinny Gambini: Mrs. Riley, when you saw the defendants were you wearing your glasses?
Constance Riley: Yes, I was.
Vinny Gambini: Would you mind putting your glasses on for us, please? [Stumbles a bit from Mrs. Riley's glasses]
Vinny Gambini: Whoa. How long you been wearing glasses?
Constance Riley: Since I was 6.
Vinny Gambini: Have they always been that thick.
Constance Riley: No. They've gotten thicker over the years.
Vinny Gambini: So, as your eyes become more and more out of whack, as you've gotten older, how many levels of thickness have you gone through?
Constance Riley: I don't know, over 60 years, maybe 10 times.
Vinny Gambini: Maybe you're ready for a thicker set.
Constance Riley: Oh no. I think they're okay.
Vinny Gambini: You sure? Let's check it out. [Grabs a tape measure from his deak and brings it over to Mrs. Riley]
Vinny Gambini: How far away were the defendants when when you saw them enterin' the Sac-o-Suds?
Constance Riley: About 100 feet.
Vinny Gambini: A hundred feet. [Hands Mrs. Riley the end of the tape measure]
Vinny Gambini: Would you mind holding this, please? [Goes to the courtroom door]
Vinny Gambini: All right, this is 50 feet, that's half the distance. [Holds up 2 fingers on his right hand]
Vinny Gambini: How many fingers am I holding up? [Mrs. Riley is squinting, trying to see the fingers]
Judge Chamberlain Haller: Let the record know that the counsler is holding up 2 fingers.

Movie: My Cousin Vinny


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