Mystery Science Theater 3000 Quote

[Marriage counselor Mr. Hall uses two wooden dolls and a large rubber band to discuss the strain of relationships with teenagers Larry and Sue.]
Hall: When you two first met, there was probably an early physical reaction...
Servo [as Larry]: Oh yeah!
Hall: ...A romantic attraction that pulled you together, a love appeal that hits you sort of...boing!
Mike [as Larry]: You saw my boing?
Larry: How did you know?
Hall: Well, it happened to me. It happens to some degree to most couples who become happily married. But it takes more than just "boing".
Crow [as Hall]: Sometimes there's a "shplurt"!
Hall: For you see, if you're too far apart psychologically…
Mike [as Hall]: …if one of you is cuckoo
[Hall gestures to the distance between the dolls, then stretches out the rubber band again…]
Hall: …if your backgrounds are not similar enough, it can cause a great deal of argument and unhappiness, until…
[…and suddenly snaps the rubber band, which flies off.]
Larry: It's gone!
Sue: Where'd it go?!
Crow [as Larry]: We're gonna die!
Hall: That's what you'll be saying about your romantic love, if these other things cause a breakup.

TV Show: Mystery Science Theater 3000


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