Mystery Science Theater 3000 Quote

Exeter: Stand aside, please. You too, Dr. Wilson.
Servo [as Exeter]: No, farther towards the killzone, please!
Crow [as Exeter]: Yeah, God I'm good!
[Meacham notices the plug for the Interocetor]
Servo [as Meacham]: Dear God, I left the iron plugged in!
[Meacham rushes over to unplug the Interocetor, which starts sparking, causing him to lose balance. Joe rushes over to help him up]
Crow [as Joe]: Oh, come here, you big, dumb dope!
[The Interocetor is now ablaze]
Servo: Quick, get the baking soda!
Mike: Boy, the landlady's going to be mad!
Crow [as landlady]: [imitates knocking noise] Are you boys cooking up there?!
Mike: No!
Crow [as landlady]: Are you building an Interocetor?!
Mike: [casually] No!

TV Show: Mystery Science Theater 3000


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