Mystery Science Theater 3000 Quote

Mike Nelson: [looking in book] So these are the catch-phrases I can choose from?
Crow: Yep. Oh, here's a good one! "Kiss off, slappy!"
Mike Nelson: Nah, that's not really me. Oh, here's one that oughta get the kids going! "We're all out of toner!" [pause]
Mike Nelson: [slightly unsure] Uh, "Don't run on my wet floor?" [pause]
Mike Nelson: [very unsure now] "Secretary... please read off the m-minutes from... "
Crow: Oh, geez...
Tom Servo: Pathetic! Mike, knock it off!
Mike Nelson: Oh, Pearl's calling!
Tom Servo: I said, cut it out, Mike!
Mike Nelson: No, see, she is! See?
Tom Servo: Oh, yeah, sorry!

TV Show: Mystery Science Theater 3000


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