Party of Five Quote

Charlie Salinger: You're high.
Jill Holbrook: Uh... what?
Charlie Salinger: You're on something.
Jill Holbrook: [trying to laugh it off] I am not! God...
Charlie Salinger: Last night too, after the earthquake, you were bouncing off the walls, babaling...
Jill Holbrook: I was scared. Same as two million other people in this city. Same as Claudia.
Charlie Salinger: It's speed, right?
Jill Holbrook: You are crazy! I am not...
Charlie Salinger: In college, I lived with a guy who did speed. He would take what he called "uppers" in order to stay awake all night studying for exams. His hyped behavior was just like yours. His eyes looked exactly like yours do right now, kind of glazed.
Jill Holbrook: Wow, what'd I ever do to you?

TV Show: Party of Five


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