Party of Five Quote

Claudia Salinger: Do you believe in omens?
Bailey Salinger: What do you mean?
Claudia Salinger: Signs that bad things are gonna happen.
Bailey Salinger: No, I don't. I think people need to look for reasons that bad things happen, but... sometimes there just aren't any.
Claudia Salinger: Look... I know why you're here. You think I should go to the hospital.
Bailey Salinger: No, it's not...
Claudia Salinger: But I'm not going to. I can't.
Bailey Salinger: Yeah, I know. I know what you're remembering, Claud. We all are.
Claudia Salinger: But you think it's bad that I'm not going, don't you?
Bailey Salinger: No.
Claudia Salinger: I mean, Owen is sick, and I...
Bailey Salinger: Claudia, I think it's okay. Really. You don't have to go.
Claudia Salinger: You mean that?
Bailey Salinger: It's okay. Don't feel bad. Everyone understands... And Owen knows that you love him.
Claudia Salinger: [smiles, then looks away] You probably have to get back, huh?
Bailey Salinger: No, I got a few minutes.
Claudia Salinger: You can go. Don't worry about me.
Bailey Salinger: Come on, I do. I worry about you. And I know I haven't been too great about it the last few weeks.
Claudia Salinger: It's ok... I just bug you, right? I mean, I'm kind of just a big pain.
Bailey Salinger: No you're not. I just... I'm just... I'm trying to figure out how to work things, Claud. I mean, Kate's the first girlfriend I've ever ha

TV Show: Party of Five


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