Perry Mason Quote

Perry Mason: Good art is like music. It should be enjoyed, not dissected.
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: An excellent sentiment, Mr. Mason, but a bit basic perhaps. You wanted to see me? I'm Vincent Kenyon.
Perry Mason: Dr. Kenyon, I'm interested in a painting called "The Three Witches." I was told you'd bought it.
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: Yes, you passed it as you came in. It's the best of the Culross collection.
Perry Mason: It has been suggested that the painting was completed by another artist after Culross' death.
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: Are you Mrs. Culross' attorney? A very emotional woman, Mr. Mason, totally ignorant of art. This canvas is genuine, from first stroke to last.
Perry Mason: You seem to be an expert on Culross, Dr. Kenyon.
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: I should be. I was the first to recognize his talent.
Perry Mason: You have no objection to our verifying your observation scientifically?
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: Well, inexpert handling of a valuable canvas is really quite out of the question.
Perry Mason: That's reasonable, Doctor, but we will in no way touch the painting.
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: Ah. Well, very well. [Mason examines the painting with a piece of equipment]
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: Well, Mr. Mason, are you satisfied?
Perry Mason: Completely. My thanks for your cooperation.
Dr. Vincent Kenyon: Well, if you had accepted my opinion, you could have saved yourself trouble. Anyone even with the remotest familiarity with Culross' work would never begin to doubt the authenticity of this canvas. Obviously you were wasting your time.

TV Show: Perry Mason


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