Poppy Quotes

Hot dog vendor: [as McGargle and Poppy begin to eat their hot dogs] Twenty cents, please!
Professor Eustace McGargle: Very reasonable! I'll pay you at the conclusion of our engagement.
Hot dog vendor: Oh, no, you won't! You're gonna pay me right now!
Professor Eustace McGargle: [the vendor takes back Poppy's half-eaten hot dog] Really! I shall return mine also.
Hot dog vendor: [looking at McGargle's half-eaten hot dog] Listen, you tramp, how am I gonna sell these again?
Professor Eustace McGargle: First you insult me. Then you ask my advice concerning salesmanship. You, sir, are a dunce! DUNCE, sir! D-U-N-C... How do you spell it? [Walking away with Poppy]
Professor Eustace McGargle: Come, dear, let's go.

Movie: Poppy
Professor Eustace McGargle: My little plum, I am like Robin Hood. I take from the rich and I give to the poor.
Poppy: What poor?
Professor Eustace McGargle: Us poor is right.

Movie: Poppy