Rescue Me Quote

Franco: You see, that's another thing. Puerto Ricans even get shafted when it comes to racial slurs. Chinks have what, like four? We have one-- Spick. That's it. The Irish they got, mick, patty, donkey. The Italians they got guinea, wop, dago.
Sean: Yeah, and spaghetti-bender.
Franco: Ah, spaghetti-bender went out of style during Sinatra's first marriage.
Mike: Greaseball.
Franco: Yeah, greaseball. There you have it; that's four.
Tommy: Yeah, and the same thing with the Jews, right? Heeb, kike, Jew boy, Benny.
Franco: Shylock.
Tommy: That's five.
Franco: Black people, forget about it. Spear-Chucker, jungle bunny, raisin head, porch monkeys.
Lou: Spook.
Sean: Tar baby.
Franco: Yeah. It's endless, totally unfair. [Don Kleinman just looks at them, totally mortified] What?

TV Show: Rescue Me


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