Robot Chicken Quote

Batman: Scarecrow; check. Two-Face; check. Joker? Joker, you better be sick or dead in there, I shit you not!
Black Manta: I remember thinking it would take a man a hundred years to tunnel out of Arkham.
Batman: What the hell?
Black Manta: The Joker did it in just two days. [laughs] Clearly, I gots trouble with the math.
Batman: Think you can the sewer line, huh, Joker? Not with the Batman on your tail!
[in the sewer pipe...] Ugh! Smells like Batman Forever!
Joker: [laughing] Sucker!
Black Manta: But what we didn't know was that the Joker hadn't actually left yet.
Joker: Buffalo wings, do your thing! [takes a crap and flushes toilet]
Batman: Ughh! Hello, there's a man down there; please don't flush anything for a while!
Joker: Oooowhee! Forget about The Green Mile, try walking the brown mile!
Batman: Oh, God, oh, God!
Black Manta: Batman crawled through a river of shit 500 yards long. I remember thinking that was probably the length of five Ping-Pong tables - again, not so good with the math. I remember thinking you have to be pretty insane to play a joke, like that on the Batman. [rain and music immediately stops]
Batman: Oh, come on!
Black Manta: Then again, I remember thinking that was pretty damn funny. [Batman hears Joker laughing, walks off disappointed]

TV Show: Robot Chicken


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