Saturday Night Live Quote

[Jean-Paul got shot and fell into the snow]
Tom Tryman: Uh-oh! Uh-oh! It looks to me like he's been accidentally shot by Claudine Longet!
[Jean-Paul regains balance on his skis]
Jessica Antlerdance: Just grazed, I think, Tom..
[Jean-Paul got shot again and fell back into the snow]
Jessica Antlerdance: Oh, no! That one got him, he's down! No, he's down this, no! No, he's getting up!
[Jean-Paul continues to ski downhill, albeit a little awkwardly]
Jessica Antlerdance: Always the mark of a fine athlete is the ability to recover in difficult situations.
Tom Tryman: I can't believe he's going for the finish line... and -
[Jean-Paul got shot for the last time and fell down to the snow for good]
Tom Tryman: Oh, no! Again... again he's been accidentally shot by Claudine Longet, and, this time, I think he's down to stay, Jessica.

TV Show: Saturday Night Live


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