Sex and the City Quote

Woman at party: Oh, what a beautiful wedding ring! Where's your husband?
Charlotte: Oh, um, he's not here. We're actually taking some time apart. We're separated - not legally separated, nothing legal, oh God no! We're just taking some time to figure things out. We got married really fast - love at first sight, didn't think it through. So now we're talking and trying to figure out what he - actually, we, he and I - really want. We love each other so much but that doesn't always mean a marriage is working does it? No, it does not. We had some problems. In the bedroom. But it was more about the fact that we got married so fast. So, now we're just talking and trying to figure things out - just talking, nothing physical. I think it's better if we just talk. So we are talking until we figure it all out. So, no, he's not here.
Woman: Oh, okay. I have to... [to friend] Don't talk to her.

TV Show: Sex and the City


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