Shackleton Quotes

Larry Jennings: I only had four girlfriends in my entire life, and they were all tens.
Leipzig: Well, it looks like your girlfriends were all ****ing guys named Jack.

TV Show: Shackleton
Sir Ernest Shackleton: First let me say that if war is declared, any man who wishes to leave the expedition to serve his country is free to do so. It is clear to me where our first duty lies, and this morning I telegraphed the First Lord of the Admiralty and put our ship, and every one of us, at his disposal. We now await his decision. I hope you will forgive me, but I particularly asked that if he saw fit to employ us in the service of our country, that might he allow us to stay together, erhaps aboard a destroyer. I did this because I can honestly think of no finer group of men with whom to serve.

TV Show: Shackleton
Sir Ernest Shackleton: What is going on here?
Frank Worsley: McNish, here, feels that there's--
Sir Ernest Shackleton: Get these men back to work, Captain. There's a base up ahead; Charlie's setting up a hooch tent. Now move, and that's an order.
Henry McNish: You've no authority!
Sir Ernest Shackleton: Don't talk to me about authority! Who gave you the authority to have 20 men standing still here freezing? Who gave you the authority to risk their lives while you discuss what you think?! You want to know WHY they're doing what they're doing? *Because I told them to.* If you think that's wrong, then you come to me!
Henry McNish: The cutter's being torn apart!
Sir Ernest Shackleton: I don't care about the bloody cutters! I care about the bloody MEN! THEIR LIVES! That's what I'm responsible for!
Henry McNish: We'll, I'm responsible for my life now, and that means I don't have to accept what some bastard who plants flags in snow for a living thinks I should do!
John Vincent: We haven't got a ship, we haven't got a contract. We don't have to do what you say.
Sir Ernest Shackleton: I'm the leader of this expedition, and your contract is with me, not the bloody ship! Now you do what I say and I will keep you alive. And I *will keep you alive*! But if you threaten my expedition, the lives of my men, if you become the danger... then I will have no hesitation in having you shot.

TV Show: Shackleton
[looking at one of Hurley's photos]
James McIlroy: From up there, Grytviken looks almost romantic.
Frank Hurley: It's just a matter of choosing the right place to look at it from.
James McIlroy: Hmm, really. In that case I have a couple of maiden aunts who'll be very interested to meet you.

TV Show: Shackleton