Shotgun Quotes

Ian Jones: I used to carry a badge. Now I carry this. [holds up a shotgun]

Movie: Shotgun
Sheriff Walters: [Sniffing the bills] What is it?
Shotgun Slade: Onions. Small vegetable with a big smell.

Movie: Shotgun
Shotgun Slade: Company officials knew it was the old crime of high grading: stealing high-grade ore out of somebody else's mine.

Movie: Shotgun
Susan Bennett: Hello, Mr. Slade.
Shotgun Slade: Well, Susan! What a pleasant surprise.
Susan Bennett: Ma found out about Dr. Brighton. She says she's given up picking out men for me. I can pick some out for myself now, Mr. Slade.
Shotgun Slade: Well, that's the nicest news I've heard all day.

Movie: Shotgun