Sightseers Quote

Chris: [arriving at the caravan site]They've only got two spots left. One by the Dingley Dell and one by the bogs.
Tina: [they are behind another car towing a caravan]He's going for Dingley Dell.
Tina: Chris, I want Dingley Dell.
Chris: I'm gonna get this bloody Dingley Dell.
Tina: Can't we go around it?
Chris: Just hold on, I'm gonna do it.
Tina: [whining in her grating Brummie accent]Go around them. Go around. Go that way.
Chris: I will, just wait there, wait...
Tina: Just go around it.
Chris: OK! Hold on. [he puts his foot down and goes onto the grass alongside them]
Tina: Oh, Chris! Don't look at them, Chris.
Chris: Woohoo! [he aggressively overtakes the other car and caravan, forcing it off the track]
Chris: Ha ha! Fuck you! I am the best. Get in.

Movie: Sightseers


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