Silent Hill 2 (VG) Quotes

Dahlia Gillespie: Stop the demon! The demon that is taking that child's form! You must stop it before your daughter becomes a sacrifice. Before it is too late! Stop it! STOP IT!

Movie: Silent Hill 2 (VG)
Eddie: He always busted my balls. You fat, disgusting piece of ****! You make me sick! Fat-ass, yer nothin' but a waste of skin! You're so ugly, even your mama don't love you! Well maybe he was right. Maybe I am nothing but a fat disgusting piece of ****. But ya know what? It doesn't matter if you're smart, dumb, ugly, pretty... it's all the same once yer dead... and a corpse can't laugh. From now on, if anyone makes fun of me... I'll kill 'em. Just like that.

Movie: Silent Hill 2 (VG)
Harry Mason: I know that Cheryl is There.
Cybil Bennett: There?
Harry Mason: Under whoever created this darkness. Cheryl is somewhere and she needs my help.

Movie: Silent Hill 2 (VG)
Maria: I don't look like a ghost, do I?

Movie: Silent Hill 2 (VG)
Vincent: Monsters? They looked like monsters to you?

Movie: Silent Hill 2 (VG)
[to Heather]
Claudia: You will birth a god and build an eternal paradise.

Movie: Silent Hill 2 (VG)