Smallville Quotes

Clark: If this is the mysterious Lana, I like it. What is this all about?
Lana: Us, kind of. I just wanted to thank you for yesterday. There were a few minutes there when I really thought I might be losing it. But, you never doubted me. Not for a second. You always believe in me. Thanks a lot.
Clark: Lana, what is this all about?
Lana: It's just that sometimes I feel like you've created this perfect picture of who I am.
Clark: That's what I see.
Lana: This might sound silly... but I have this fear that-- that one day you'll finally get a good look at me and... I'm going to disappoint you. That you'll see that I'm not as strong or as good as you think I am. And I'm afraid that it'll change the way you feel about me.
Clark: Nothing could ever do that.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: I wanted to give you my gift in person, since it's obvious by now that I won't be receiving a wedding invitation.
Lex: You offered the woman I love a hundred thousand dollars to leave me.
Lionel: I did you a favor, Lex. That was the ultimate test of loyalty and she passed with flying colors. You should be thanking me.
Lex: Well, my thank you note must be lost in the mail along with your invitation.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: I like to think that I treat everyone at LuthorCorp as part of the family.
Lex: Well, that would explain the lack of loyalty.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: All right, Lex, what's the crisis? One minute you want nothing to do with me and then I'm inundated with urgent messages.
Lex: How does it feel to play God, Dad?

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: I've been looking through every book from Socrates to Shakespeare trying find some who could put into words the way Lex and Helen feel about each other. But what I realize is, there are no words for it, that when you have it, you trust it, and you believe in it, take a chance on it, you're willing to sacrifice anything to keep it, no matter what the cost.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: If you knew that Lex was keeping secrets from you, but he was being truthful about the important things like, um, like the way he feels about you...would that be enough?
Helen: I guess you have to decide. Is the part of themselves they're willing to share with you better than not having them in your life at all?

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: Okay. I know it's not your birthday for another seven minutes, but I wanted to surprise you.
Clark: You did.
Lana: I get the feeling it's not in a good way.
Clark: It's just it's not really my birthday. It's just some date that my parents picked off the calendar for the adoption papers.
Lana: Maybe some of us want to celebrate the day you came into our lives.
Clark: I never thought of it that way.

TV Show: Smallville
Lionel: The wall, Doctor. What does it say?
Walden: "The last son will rule the planet." Don't you see? It's Clark Kent!
Lex: I think that's a pretty big leap.
Walden: No! I've never seen more clearly in my life. I know exactly what has to be done.
Lionel: What is that, Doctor?
Walden: We have to kill Clark Kent, before he destroys us all.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: I'm going to rule the world? He's obviously nuts.
Lex: Of course he is. Unfortunately my father was there. He heard the whole thing.
Clark: But he didn't believe him, did he?
Lex: He quoted one of his favorite Elizabethan poets. "'Twixt truth and madness lies but a sliver of a stream." He's not just gonna let this drop. I thought I'd warn you.

TV Show: Smallville
Jor-el: I am Jor-El, your father.
Clark: I thought you died!
Jor-El: I am his memory, his will. I am to fulfill his promise and guide you all the days of your life. You are the last son of Krypton. When you traveled through the cosmos, you carried the hopes and dreams of your people. They now live through you, Kal-El. It is time.
Clark: Time for what?
Jor-El: Time to accept your destiny.
Clark: I don't know what you have in mind for me, but I--
Jor-El: By the setting of the sun Sol, you will return to me. Your destiny will be fulfilled. Your thoughts are not a mystery to me, Kal-El. These people have served their purpose. It is time to leave them.
Clark: Please! Everything and everyone I love is here! In Smallville!
Jor-El: You must let go of your past. I will guide you to your future.
Clark: No, I don't want your guidance! I want to create my own future!
Jor-El: You have no choice, Kal-El.

TV Show: Smallville
Martha: Whatever your biological father may have had in mind for you, they're his hopes and dreams, not yours.
Jonathan: Clark, you choose your own destiny. Nobody can decide that for you, son.
Clark: This is my home. And you're my parents. It's where I belong, and I'm not going anywhere

TV Show: Smallville
Jor-El: You will obey me, Kal-El.
Clark: You're not my father. I won't let you control me.
Jor-El: You cannot fight it, Kal-El. At the zenith of the star Sol, you will begin your journey. If you do not, you will hurt the ones you love most.

TV Show: Smallville
Chloe: You were right about Clark. He wasn't who I thought he was. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed earlier. So much for my crack journalistic instinct.
Lionel: No, no, love has a way of blinding even the sharpest minds. We don't look because we don't want to see. But once love has been stripped away, then we see the real person clearly. They're revealed to us with all their flaws, their foibles, and their secrets.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Come with me.
Lana: Smallville's my home. It's your home too.
Clark: Not anymore.

TV Show: Smallville
Morgan Edge: You've made quite a reputation for yourself. I set up this test so I could see with my own eyes if you were man or myth. And clearly, you're both.
Clark: Well, I'm glad I could clear it up for you... Mr. Edge.
Edge: I'd like to talk about a job opportunity.
Clark: Thanks. But I'm really not looking for work right now. I like to fly solo.
Edge: No matter how many bullets bounce off you, Kal, you're still a kid, and I'm the biggest crime boss in Metropolis.
Clark: Well, I would think you could afford better help.
Edge: That's why we're talking. I got this one job. It'll make you Midas rich. So when you are tired of playing the little league, you know where to find me.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: You killed your father.
Louis: Yeah, it was inevitable. I had to do it. Only one of us could survive. See, back there, he was a rich and powerful guy. He was always criticizing me, never thinking I was good enough. And it just kept chipping away, chipping away till there was nothing left... I thought you and I were kindred spirits.
Lex: No, Louis. You're a psychopath.
Louis: Well, there's one in all of us. I just let mine out.

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: Clark, it's me.
Clark: Jonathan. How's the farm?
Jonathan: Clark, your mother and I love you very much and we want you to come home.
Clark: Is that right? Hey, what about not dwelling on the past and making a fresh new start? Come on, you can admit it. You're happier I'm gone.
Jonathan: Son, that's not true.
Clark: I'm not your son! And you're not my parents, you never have been! You never will be!
Lana: Clark, what is the matter with you? Your parents love you! I love you.
Clark: Do you always betray the people you love?

TV Show: Smallville
Edge: I need you to break into a secure building. The office on the 60th floor has a very valuable package. It's in a titanium-reinforced steel safe. Not a job for mere mortals.
Clark: Sounds like easy money.
Edge: I haven't told you where you're going yet.
Clark: [reads a card] LuthorCorp Plaza. You want me to break into Lionel Luthor's office?
Edge: Will that be a problem?
Clark: No. It'll be my pleasure.

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: Hello, Clark.
Clark: Jonathan Kent. Isn't it a little past your bedtime? How'd you find me?
Jonathan: Your biological father.
Clark: You two are working together now, huh? That's cute. But I didn't listen to him and I'm certainly not gonna listen to you.

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: You don't realize how dangerous you are when you're wearing that ring!
Clark: It's not the ring. I was born that way. You just can't accept it.
[Jonathan sees the Kryptonian symbol burned on Clarks chest]
Jonathan: What in the hell did Jor-El do to you, Clark?
Clark: He made sure I'd never forget who my real father is.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: You warned me there were things about you that I wouldn't understand. I guess I just didn't want to believe it.
Clark: I was protecting you.
Lana: From what? That's the part I can't figure out because, Clark, the only thing that keeps hurting me is you.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: It's ironic. In the most remote solitude I still managed to find an enemy. I suppose I was just hallucinating from malaria, but the enemy I found was real. I got a good look at myself, or at least the part I've always tried to ignore.
Clark: Lex, I guess we all got to take a look at our dark side sooner or later.
Lex: The problem is if you stare at it long enough, it can get hard to tell the two sides apart.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: How could you let everyone worry like that?
Chloe: Because the more pressure I put on him, the more he pulled away. I mean, you saw him, Lana. He wasn't exactly the charming flannel king we all know and love. It was like he was a...
Lana: A different person.
Chloe: Yeah. Let's face it, Lana. Clark has more issues than "Rolling Stone."

TV Show: Smallville
Jonathan: We can't accept this.
Lex: There's nothing to accept but my gratitude. After the plane went down, I made my way into one of the broken wings. This compass, your wedding present, guided me to safe harbor. The least I can do is help you keep your farm.
Jonathan: We will find a way to pay you back.
Lex: I'm not worried about that, Mr. Kent. If it's not too presumptuous, I hope you'll just consider me part of the family.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Look, I know this is gonna sound bizarre, but this kid Van, he's convinced that the meteor rocks in Smallville have altered certain people.
Lex: What do you mean by altered?
Clark: He thinks they've developed different abilities than the rest of us, and he's hunting them. Lex, he had a hit list. They found it in his cabin, and you're on it.
Lex: Clark, the only abilities I have are playing the market and falling for the wrong women.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: I wouldn't worry about it, Dad. I'm insured now.
Lionel: Not yet. There's some difficulty getting you underwritten by Lloyd's of London.
Lex: On what grounds?
Lionel: Your tendency to attract near-death experiences has made you too great a liability.
Lex: I would think surviving would count for something.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: Clark, I really thought I was going to die.
Clark: You've been through worse.
Lana: Because you've been there to protect me, but I knew you weren't coming this time, so when Van showed up I guess I was just relieved that there were others like you out there.
Clark: He's not like me. You have to see him for what he is. He's a killer. Lana, it's okay to be mad at people who try to hurt you, but it's not fair to take it out on everyone who's been affected by the meteors. It's not their fault. No one asks to be different.
Lana: Life would just be so much better for everybody if the meteor shower never happened.

TV Show: Smallville
Lex: How many times have I come face to face with death and walked away without a scratch? I've practically lost count.
Clark: Weirder things have happened.
Lex: All this time I thought the reason I survived that Porsche accident was because of you, Clark. Now I'm not so sure. See, I've always tried to explain everything by looking outside myself. But maybe the truth lies inside my own physiology. Maybe I am a freak.

TV Show: Smallville
Lana: What I don't understand is you're willing to walk into bullets for me, but you won't share what's going on inside. Clark, if you don't open up to the people that love you, you'll always be alone. I can't believe you want to spend your life like that.
Clark: I may not have a choice.
Lana: You always have a choice.

TV Show: Smallville
Clark: Pete, did you see that guy?
Pete: What guy?
Clark: How could you miss him? He had a big red cape on!

TV Show: Smallville