Snake River Desperadoes Quote

[Smiley's off-tune trumpet playing annoys his fellow passenger]
Jason Fox: Do you have to do that?
Smiley: No, I'm not getting paid for it, if that's what you mean... but I'm just practicing. You know what they say about practice - practice makes perfect. Say, I wish you could hear the Smiley Burnette Silver Cornet Band. We can really play, I mean. I been all the way back to Indianapolis Indianapus to get us some uniforms. Here, just look at that. [he pulls out a band hat]
Smiley: Boy, ain't that like downtown? Ain't that ritzy? Oh, I forgot, I was going to quit talking, wasn't I, so you could get some sleep. [starts playing his trumpet loudly and off-key]

Movie: Snake River Desperadoes


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