Sonny With a Chance Quotes

Chad: I was gonna send you a cheese basket. (looks at the cheese basket again) Wait, I was gonna send you that cheese basket. Wesley, you mini-Macking on my girlfriend?
Wesley: I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Big Mac. But there's always someone younger and prettier.
Chad: (laughs) It's true. Got some bad news for you though. (puts his arm around Sonny) Sonny would never date an out of work actor.
Wesley: I'm not an out of work actor.
Chad: You are now. Security! (security carries Wesley away)
Wesley: Hey! No! No! You'll hear from my agent!
Chad: Peace out lil' sucker! See? Big Mack' got your back. (winks)
Sonny: Gosh, I feel terrible. If I hadn't meddled he'd still have a job and Zora wouldn't be out to get me.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (screams) That sandbag has revenge written all over it! (runs away)
Chad: That's what you get when you Sonny it up!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Is it bad? Tell me it's not bad.
Sonny: It's not bad.
Tawni: Oh good. Good.
Sonny: (picks up Dakota's bicycle handle and goes to Tawni) It's worse than bad! We ran over Dakota's new bike! We're dead, dead, dead! (crying)
Tawni: But I was the driver which makes me deader, deader, deader! (crying)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Now we're losers!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: (points to locations on the map) Here is where she has her morning temper tantrum, afternoon tantrum, ballet class, and evening tantrum.
Tawni: This is ridiculous. We're never going to get that bell. It would be easier to get her kidney.
Zora: Oh, you want her kidney. That would be this map. (flips the page)
Sonny and Tawni: (screaming in disgust and yells at Zora to put it away)
Zora: (turns the paper)
Tawni: Thank you.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Dakota: (sleep talking) Find bike thief. Rip head off. Have daddy fire headless body.
Tawni: Now is our chance.
Sonny: (cuts the bell)
Dakota: (sleep talking) Play soccer with bike thief's head. (sits up and still sleep talking) Goal! Yay! (lies back down)
Sonny and Tawni: (run out of the prop house)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: This interview is over because you're a crazy lady.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Sonny and Chad sitting in a tree. That's it, just sitting.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Like I'm going to take advice from two guys who are dating their pillows.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico and Grady: Patriots!
Marshall: Idiots!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (stands up) Oh come on people! Do you really think this is where we're going to have our first kiss? Especially since he has stinky mustard breath?
Chad: Yeah! Hey what?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Shut it Tawni! (leaves)
Tawni: Wow, it bothers her more than I thought it did. Ha, I win.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico: And if he wants it back he's gonna have to go through you first!
Grady: Just me?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: It's like you and....that muffin! Gosh, take a breath.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (On the phone) No comments no comment, Look I am tired of hearing this I will kiss Sonny when I'm ready. (kiddie voice) Okay mommy, I love you too. (pretending to kiss her and hangs up)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sicky Vicky: Merry Sickmas everybody!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Shelly: Is it a puppy?!
Shelly's Mom: Better!
Shelly: Is it a baby brother?!
Shelly's Dad: Somebody's!
Shelly: (gasps) No way! (rips the wrapping and the package was Joe Jonas trapped inside a life size toy box)
Joe: Let me out!
Shelly: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You got me Joe Jonas for Christmas! (opens the box)
Joe: What am I doing in here? (looks around)
Shelly: Mommy, he's so lifelike. I wonder if he wets himself.
Joe: Not since I was six. What's going on here? One minute I'm walking on stage. The next minute there's a burlap sack over my head. And now I'm a Christmas present?!
Shelly: The best Christmas present ever! (hugs Joe)
Shelly's Mom: Yes he is sweetie. And you know what? We got you all of the accessories!
Shelly's Dad: Uh huh! The Joe Jonas Car!
Joe: You stole my car?!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Joe: (yodeling)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Sonny Munroe and Joe Jonas.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (singing) Didn't know what to get you, ordinary just wouldn't do. But I just found my perfect gift for you. I hear church bells ringing. (Joe joins in) Carolers are singing, harmony with me now. (smiles at Joe)
Joe: (singing and looks at Sonny) You are looking so lovely. (Sonny joins in) Even if the lights go out. We got mistletoe and firelight on this cold December night. The snow outside will set the mood as I sing my song.
Sonny, Joe and So Random Cast: We've got mistletoe.
Joe: Mistletoe.
Sonny, Joe and So Random Cast: And firelight
Joe: And firelight.
Sonny, Joe and So Random Cast: On this cold December night. The snow outside will set the mood as I sing my song for you.
Sonny: Sing my song. (Joe joins in) Sing my song for you.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Maybe I should date Efron.
Chad: Don't even joke about that!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Grady: (annoyed) Everything always goes Grant's way.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (wearing funny glasses) Okay great first day of camp guys. Now remember pies are for eating not throwing. (ducks down after a pie is thrown at her) I know what cabin you sleep in Brian! (closes the door then her cellphone rings and she takes off the glasses) Hello?
Chad: What?
Sonny: Hello?
Chad: Sonny? Sonny? I can't hear you. Hold on, I'll try on to move around, find a good spot.
Sonny: Chad? Hey I can't hear you either. The reception's horrible.
Chad: (moving around) Thank you, you're adorable too. I gave my list to Mr. Condor.
Sonny: No I didn't see a condor, but I think I saw a eagle.
Chad: No! No, no, no. Everything I'm asking for is legal!
Sonny: Okay, I'm not sure what you're asking but my advice is don't be greedy.
Chad: That is great advice! I will be greedy!
Sonny: No! Why would you beat Grady? (door knocks and Sonny opens it) Brian put that pie down. (ducks again) I gotta go. (hangs up)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (running) You'll never replace me!
Grant: I'm the new Mackenzie!
Grady: You're the new Mackenzie?
Grant: I'm the new Mackenzie!
Chad: (being carried by security guards) You're the new Mackenzie?
Grant: I am the new Mackenzie! Delta Nu!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico: Is it in the salmon?
Sonny: (eats the salmon) Aw, it's just fishy.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Grady: (covered in water) So, uh, so did Marshall like the sketch?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Oh my gosh! I hit send!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (nervously playing with a spring toy)
Tawni: (takes the spring toy away)
Sonny: Sorry. I feel like I just got called to the principal's office.
Tawni: I was home schooled. I feel like I'm in my mother's kitchen.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Grady: Uh, excuse me Mr. Savege, define incident.
Stanley: (gets closer to Grady and shows him his pinky) The pinky is overated. (curls his pinky and makes a bone crunching sound)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Stanley: (opens the sarcophagus and sees Zora inside)
Zora: (screams)
Stanely: I knew we were one short. Now get in line!
Zora: (stands next to Sonny)
Stanley: (yelling) Now here's the deal. Your sketches are weak, your jokes are flabby and your characters are as (holds Zora's arm) underdeveloped as this guy's arms.
Zora: I'm a twelve year old girl!
Stanley: No excuse!
Sonny: It kinda is?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance