Sonny With a Chance Quotes

Chad: Hey Sonny what's the dilly?
Sonny: The 'dilly' is Nico and Grady are stuck in a net. Everyone says there in cahoots. You win; I'm tired with this paranoia. Just prank me and get it over with.
Chad: Sorry, Sonny I'm already doing a prank. It's called Tawni's fake audition. It was actually inspired by your audition. I guess that makes you Chad's little helper.
Tawni: I'm Fashonita! That was perfect.
Chad: (laughing) Thanks for the idea Sonny.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Maple syrup? Really? Maple syrup?
Sonny: Chad, I'm sorry after you did something nice just to be nice..
Chad: I know! Syruped and feathered my friend, but don't worry. I'm planning on returning the favor.
Grady: With some flowers?
Chad: With a prank? And whatever I'm doing now is gonna be a hundred times worse than I planned to do before.
Nico: What did you plan to do before?
Chad: Well whatever it was, it was hundred times less worse than what I'm gonna do to you now!
Tawni: Stop scaring us with math!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Chad.
Nico: Chad.
Grady: Chad.
Chad: Randoms.
Tawni: Chad?!
Nico: Chad?!
Grady: Chad?!
Chad: (confused) Randoms.
Tawni: CHAD!
Nico: CHAD.
Grady: Cha-
Chad: OK please, not again.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: [Singing] I'm a little Teapot, Short and Stout! Here is my handle, here is my spout!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico: E-e-e-easy G.
Grady: You know what would make this easier? If you would stop saying "E-e-e-e-e-e-easy G."
Sonny: Hey. You guys made a house of cards.
Tawni: No you're saying it wrong. It's (says it dully) "Wow you guys made a house of cards."
Nico: It's not a house, it's a fortress.
Grady: Fortress.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: Earthquake! Take cover!
Grady: Everybody! Into the fortress! (jumps on the fortress of cards)
Nico: (falls on Grady's back)
Zora: (hides under a table) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: It's my first Los Angeles earthquake! Which is exciting and TERRIFYING! This is me screaming in terror! (screams) And this is me getting under the table which is what you're suppose to do! EARTHQUAKE!!!!!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (whimpers) Help

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Marshall: Calm down. Calm down everyone. It wasn't a quake. The studio is just doing some construction.
Sonny: AHHH! CONSTRUCTION!!! just kidding just kidding

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Finally! They're making some improvements around here. I guess somebody read the note I put in the demand box.
Sonny: You mean the suggestion box?
Tawni: No.
Nico: Yes! They're building a weight room!
Grady: Even better! They're building a bait and tackle shop! Now I don't have to go downtown for my worms!
Marshall: Not even close. Anybody else wanna guess?
Zora: A guillotine!
Marshall: Ahhh. Even warmer!
Sonny: Okay if a guillotine is closer then I don't want to guess anymore.
Marshall: Okay okay! I'll tell ya! They're kicking you out of the prophouse!
So Random Cast: WHAT?!?!
Marshall: You see, I took a horrible situation and turned it into a fun little game!
Sonny: No! You didn't! You took something horrible and took forever to tell it!
Marshall: You're right. Look I'll make this next part quick and I won't sing it to you like I planed,You have 24 hours to pack up your things and leave

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: You mean (takes out tickets) these?
Sonny: Thanks Chad! (reaches for tickets)
Chad: Ah. (moves tickets out of Sonny's reach)Not so fast. I have these tickets because?
Sonny: (smiles) You're the star of Mackenzie Falls, the number one tween show.
Chad: Oh! That's worth one! (hands her one) (Sonny nods)
Sonny: and.. you have the best tasting sandwich in the whole cafeteria!
Chad: (fake gasps) Here's number two. (gives her the second ticket) You wanna go for three?
Sonny: Can't.
Chad: Oooh, say it!
Sonny: I won't. (Chad waves ticket is Sonny's face)
Chad: Say it.
Sonny: (muffled) You're..the greatest actor of our gener-ation....
Chad: (hands her the third ticket) Enjoy the game. (Sonny smiles at him)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Oh, hey Chad.
Chad: When's the party starting?
Sonny: This is it.
Chad: (confused) These look like the people who usally WORK at Mackenzie Falls parties.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (Bumps in the wall and the chair lights up) Yeah, it lights up! It's a cool seat.(rolls away on chair)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (to Sonny) By the end of the week, you're going to fall in love with me.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (in her dream) (knock at door)
Chad: knock, knock
Sonny: Chad
Chad: Sonny, hey look what I've got for our rehearsal.Two tubes of lip balm? One for my upper and one for my lower.
Sonny: (glares at him)
Chad: Will you relax? I was just goofing around. Look, I really want to do a good job.
Sonny: Really?
Chad: Yeah. So look, let's take it from the part when the Hot EMT comes in... that's me ha... and says 'tell me where it hurts.'
Sonny: (stares into Chad's eyes) Wow Chad. You were right. I am getting lost in your eyes. This feels like a dream.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (wakes up) I am dreaming. Oh my gosh! It was just like he said! (knock at door)
Chad: Wanna run lines... got two tubes of lip balm. One for my upper and one for my...
Sonny: NOOO!!! (slams door in his face)
Chad: Ow... my lower!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Tawni, you know I'm doing the sketch with Chad.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: I know! thats what makes it so hilarious!
Sonny: I don't wanna be doing any sketches with Chad, let alone one where I faint in his arms!
(Tawni snorts)
Tawni: That's even more hilarious! Stop! You're killing me! (continues laughing) Have fun rehearsing!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: First the nervousness then stumbling and next you'll be dreaming about me and you'll get lost in my eyes, and finally after we kiss, you'll be hooked.
Sonny: After we what?!
Chad: Kiss, four little letters just like my name.
Sonny: And you're nuts! Four little letters, just like your name!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Now I know what you're doing; you don't wanna look me in the eyes.
Sonny: Pffft! What are you talking about?
Chad: Fine. Then take off the hat.
Sonny: Fine. (takes off hat to reveal a smaller hat)
Chad: You're wearing a hat under a hat? Phew! You had the dream, didn't you?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: There is no destiny! There is no you and me! There is no- Wow. I never realized what a deep shade of blue your eyes are.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (snapping out of it) Oh my gosh, what am I doing?!
Chad: Ah, getting lost in me eyes. Check! Now then all that's left is the kiss.
Sonny: (takes off hat) You know what?! I will not kiss you! Not in a million years! You and I don't kiss not now, not ever!
Marshal: (comes out of nowhere) You two are gonna kiss!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Let's just get this sketch over with.
Chad: Alright, but after it happens, you know we're gonna be in love.
Sonny: We?
Chad: (stammering) Yo-you I said you.
Sonny: You said we.
Chad: OK fine, but we is my nickname for you! We happy?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (walks in her dressing room while talking to her mom on her cellphone and holding a mop with a ribbon in her other hand) Yeah mom I got the mop. No no no no! I love it!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: That's your mom. OH MY GOSH your mom is your manager!
Tawni: Was.
Tammi: My own daughter is firing me!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: You guys are coco moco loco! (Tawni and Tammi stares at her) Wow.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (holding back Zora) Chad, I can't believe you didn't even thank me for saving your life.
Chad: (holding back Dakota) Look, I will have you know, I was choking on purpose, okay? To get your silly little merit badge, it's called acting.
Sonny: Yeah and you're not that good of an actor.
Chad: Acting.
Sonny: Choking.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Acting.
Sonny: Choking!
Chad: Oh really?! Someone better hold me back.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Don't make me take off my shoe!
Chad: Get over here!
Sonny: I will hit you in a minute if you keep on lying.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Dakota Condor; She thinks that just cause her dad owns the studio that she can have anything she wants!
Dakota: Hey Monroe, gimme your muffin!
Sonny: Anything you want!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance