Sonny With a Chance Quotes

Sonny: So...when's the tournament?
Chad: I'll give you the details tomorrow night.
Sonny: What's tomorrow night?
Chad: Our first date. See ya.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Connie: Ooh...and the plot thickens.
Sonny: (to Connie) Room!
Connie: But can't we just talk?
Sonny: Room!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (wearing a neck brace) This is exactly what I was afraid if I asked you out. That I would end up broken or broken hearted. I just never imagined it would be both Sonny.
Chloe: Sonny?
Chad: What Sonny?
Chloe: You said Sonny.
Chad: I don't think so.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: The patient is critical. We need to get him into the operation room CHAD!
Tawni: (confused) Chad?
Sonny: What? No. I said STAT. As in we need to get him into the operation room CHAD!
Grady: Mmmmm. You did it again.
Sonny: Ummm. I don't think so.
Nico: (gets up from the gurney) I heard it too.
Grady: Even the dead guy heard it.
Sonny: You know what? Okay this is ridiculous.
Chad: You people are hearing things.
Sonny: (same time with Chad) I did not say Chad.
Chad: (same time with Sonny) I did not say Sonny.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: So what do you think was up with the slip of the tongue this morning?
Chad: (getting food but not looking at Sonny) They're watching.
Sonny: (getting food too but not looking at Chad) Yeah. I know. Act natural.
Chad: Good call. Just follow my lead.
Sonny: Okay.
Chad: What say you good woman? Were these freshly picked this fine morn?
Sonny: I said act natural not Amish. This is silly. Why don't we just tell people that we have a date tonight?
Chad: Bad idea. You know how much our two shows hate each other. If they find out we're going on a date they'll think it's okay for them and then- (shakes his head)
Tawni: You don't think those guys like each other, do you?
Nico: Maybe. I mean look at them trying to act all discreet.
Grady: Well, I happen to be keen reader at lips. So whatever they're trying to say, they might as well say it to me.
Sonny: So Chad...
Grady: No, Brad.
Sonny: what's the plan?
Chad: Well I'm getting us a limo-
Grady: Apparently he's getting a pillow.
Chad: to take us-
Grady: Two steaks plus.
Chad: at 8: 00-
Grady: He ate a sock.
Chad: to a nice dinner.
Grady: and a rice thinner.
Tawni: Read my lips.
Grady: [turns to Tawni]
Tawni: You're a dope.
Grady: "Europe's pope."

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: It is a sad day when a young woman can't try on twelve or thirteen outfits without being accused of going on a date! You should be ashamed of yourselves! (waves her finger) Shame on you! (Grady raises his hand) Yes Grady?
Grady: So in the risk of further shame, will you be joining us for pizza night? Because you're in charge of the coupons.
Sonny: No I won't be joining you.
Tawni: Ah ha!
Sonny: Not because I have a date or anything. Because I'll be helping my mother who has a sprain ankle from doing things with that foot that she should not have been doing.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico: Too bad Sonny's gonna miss Pizza Night.
Zora: Yeah, pizza just won't taste the same without her.
Grady: Yes it will!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (looks at his clothes) Hello boys. It's showtime!
Sonny: Hello girls. It's toe time! (paints her toes)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny and Chad: Nah. (puts their first choice down and picks up their second choice up) Nah. (puts their second choice down and picks up their third choice) Nah.
Sonny: (picks up two pairs of earrings) This would be so much easier if I was a dude.
Chad: This would be so much easier if I was an average dude.
Sonny: (trying different kinds of lipsticks) Good.
Chad: (trying outfits) Too preppy.
Sonny: Better.
Chad: Trying too hard.
Sonny: Rockin' it!
Chad: Not trying hard enough.
Sonny: Perfect!
Chad: Too Nico. Too Grady. Too Tawni but very comfortable.
Sonny: Hey Chad. It's me. I've been ready for half a hour now. Listen, I can't wait to see you. It's gonna be perfect.
Chad: (surrounded by piles of clothes all over the floor) IT'S WRONG! IT'S WRONG! IT'S ALL WRONG! (kicks some clothes)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (thinks) Man, her shark is so much cooler than my lame jellyfish. I'm such an idiot.
Sonny: (looks nervous and thinks) I'm such an idiot. Why did I do the shark? His jellyfish was adorable. He's adorable. (stares at him)
Chad: (thinks and stares at Sonny) She's adorable. (looks at him palms) Oh my palms are sweating. Just be cool. (stops thinking and still nervous) So...Ohh!(leans but accidentally falls)
Sonny: Chad! Are you okay?
Chad: (gets up) I'm good. I'm good. I'm cool. (thinks) I'm so not cool. Water! I need water. (drinks his water) This isn't making me anymore cool, although it is refreshing.
Sonny: You know, this all looks so great. Why don't you order since you know so much about sushi?
Chad: (thinks) Oh my gosh, I forgot everything I know about sushi. Keep drinking, keep drinking. Maybe she'll stop asking. (drinks Sonny's water)
Sonny: (thinks) Oh my gosh, I'm boring him so much he's trying to drown himself. (talks to Chad) Chad?
Chad: (stops drinking) Yeah?
Sonny: (touches Chad's hand) Do you want to order?
Chad: (thinks and gasps) She touched my hand! I was suppose to touch her hand first. What kind of man am I?
Sonny: (thinks) He's not even looking at me. Do I have something in my teeth? Of course I don't have anything in my teeth, I haven't eaten in hours. I'm starving! Why won't he order?!
Chad: (thinks) Quit drinking! You're gonna explode! Just tell her she makes me nervous. She'll understand. (stops drinking and thinking) Sonny, I need to tell you something.
Sonny: Yes Chad?
Chad: (throws up at her)
Sonny: (screaming in disgust)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (shocked and runs out)
Sonny: (thinking) Oh my gosh, I can't believe he just did that! Why am I saying this to myself?! (shouts) Oh my gosh, I can't believe he just did that! Ewww!!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Mr. Henderson: And now give it up for Sonny Munroe!
Sonny: Thank you West Appleton High! I can't believe a week from now I will be leaving Wisconsin to go to Hollywood! And it's a good thing too because I didn't finish my book report.
Mr. Henderson: Boo!
Sonny: Sorry Mr. Henderson. But I promise exactly one year from today I will be back home to accept West Appleton's highest honor, the firing of the Cheese Cannon! And to deliver my book report. And even though I will be leaving Wisconsin I will always have cheese in my heart. Gouda! Havarti! Cheddar and Jack!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Wisconsin cheese is an awesome snack!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (puts the book down and smiles) You believe in me Tawni.
Tawni: Those better be the first words in that book.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Penelope: I'm giving you one last chance, MacKenzie. If don't give me your water I'll fill my bottles from the tap. Chad this is where you turn and face me. (turns Chad's chair around and sees Chad looking at pictures of Sonny on his cellphone)
Chad: (sad) This is milady at the zoo. This is milady at the pancake house eating a shortstack. This is milady screaming to not take pictures of her shortstack.
Penelope: Chad, what are you doing?
Chad: That's what she asked when I took the picture! (crying) Why did I let her go?! Don't look at me!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (crying) I miss you Shortstack!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: The bomb! This book is the bomb!
Tawni: And from the looks of it, it looks like you're almost finished. (smiles)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: WHY?!?!?!?!?! And that's our inflight entertainment.
Zora: It's a good thing this plane comes with barf bags.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: I can't think! (looks at a fortune cookie) I don't need a fortune cookie to make this decision. (throws the fortune cookie away) I choose Sonny.
So Random Cast: (cheers)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Vicky: (begins to run)
Tawni: (stops Vicky) Going somewhere, Penelope?
Vicky: I don't know what you're talking about.
Tawni: Oh, you're face may say Vicky but your ugly pilot shoes say Penelope. (pulls Vicky's face but it's revealed to be a mask and reveals Penelope)
Sonny: Penelope? This is like a bad episode of Mackenzie Falls.
Chad: (looks at Sonny)
Sonny: Or a good one.
Zora: Tawni figured it out?! Two thousand dollars and three days of my life for nothing! I don't deserve this coat! (takes off her coat)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: (hangs up phone) Sonny's still not answering. I'm getting worried.
Chad: It's gonna be ok, we're almost there.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: You guys, thank you so much for coming to Pauly and Pals with me. Wasn't it great?
Nico: Sonny, it's a kids show.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Hank: You know this beef stick?
Sonny: Yeah this beef stick is my boyfriend. (slaps Chad behind the head)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: You're no one unless you have a million! WHY WON'T YOU MOVE?!?!?!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Oh no! It's dropping! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you. Come back! Come back! Come back!
Sonny: Come back to me Chad. I made a phone call that's going to make this all better.
???: Wardrobe lady!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: That's no ordinary fan. Amber?
Sonny: Wait, you're Amber?
Amber: (takes off wig and glasses) Yep, that's me.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Who was that woman?
Amber: (comes back in) It's Maya Baboodi! Maya Baboo.....di! (leaves)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (turns to Sonny) This is the moment of truth.
Amber: First I thought it was these two. (flashes a picture of Nico and Grady) They got problems, but Chad ain't one of them.
Sonny: See?
Amber: Then I suspected the blonde. (flashes a picture of Tawni) But again I came with nothing. They said ever since you've been dating Sonny Munroe you haven't been more nicer, sweet or kind.
Sonny: Aww. (hugs Chad)
Amber: Which to Chad's fans means he hasn't been more boring, ordinary or uninteresting.
Chad: Ohhh.
Amber: Which is why my conclusion is this. Just like this ugly shirt, (flashes a picture of Chad's shirt from Sonny then a picture of Sonny) Sonny Munroe (flashes a X on Sonny's face), gotta go!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Yeah Chad, what's it gonna be?
Chad: (looks at both of them nervously) Uh. Uh. You're fired.
Sonny and Amber: Ha! Wait! Which one of us?
Chad: Amber?
Amber: Yes?
Chad: You're fired.
Amber: (stars murmuring and making a weird face)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Amber: You think you can beat me at my own game?
Sonny: Bring it on Algoode!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance