South of Nowhere Quote

Spencer Carlin: Wow, you live here?
Ashley Davies: Just me, mom. and number four, who I think is soon to be ex-number four. That's how I want my life.
Spencer Carlin: Austin's way too dramatic. "Real World Hawaii" that would work.
Ashley Davies: Okay didn't one of them OD?
Spencer Carlin: Yeah, besides that.
Ashley Davies: So, did you leave a boy back home?
Spencer Carlin: Uh, no one special, you?
Ashley Davies: No. One should only hit and run. Boys are way too much trouble.
Spencer Carlin: Aiden's cute.
Ashley Davies: Aiden? What? You have so dropped in cool points.
Spencer Carlin: What kind of guys do you like then? the bad boy, the skater? Oh, wait, no, you like the tortured poets. That's it c'mon.
Ashley Davies: No... they all suck. They all think "hello" means "put your hands all over me" in testostereneese.
Spencer Carlin: No, it's the kiss. I so hate the kiss, they try to suffocate you with their tongue. Ew!
Ashley Davies: I know, I know! And all they do is sit around and talk about themselves forever.
Spencer Carlin: Right. And you have to sit there smiling and nodding...
Ashley Davies: [Ashley and Spencer together] Like you care.
Ashley Davies: I know, it's a good thing that their not the only choice. [puts her hand on Spencer's hand]
Spencer Carlin: [clears her throat] .

TV Show: South of Nowhere


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