South Park Quote

Thumper: [motioning to Butters' "Shitler"] Hey, little dude, you got some crap right here.
Butters: [unaware he does have feces on his face] Why that's my face, sir.
Thumper: We're gonna take it slow, take it easy, make sure everybody has a goood time. 'Cause what is skiing about? Having a good... [puts his left hand to his ear, hoping for an answer. The boys just look at him] Time, that's right. Now, just a few safety things to keep in mind: First of all, look straight ahead when you ski. You look down, you're gonna fall, you're gonna have a bad time. Also, be aware of skiers around you. You run into another skier, your skis are gonna cross, gonna have a bad time.

TV Show: South Park


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