SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

[SpongeBob has backed the boat all the way out into the wilderness]
SpongeBob: Backing up! Backing up! Backing up!
[The engine sputters and dies, and the boat slows to a halt. SpongeBob is seen clutching the steering wheel, his eyes wide and his pupils fixed]
SpongeBob: Backing up...
Squidward: Well, you backed up. And you know what? I think we're out of gas. [climbs out of the boat] And you know what else? WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!
SpongeBob: [approaches Squidward with the pizza] And you know what else, else? I think the pizza's getting cold.
Squidward: [mock alarm] AND the pizza's cold?! Oh, the pizza's cold! Not the pizza! [genuine anger] Oh, how can it get any worse?
[Squidward kicks the boat angrily. The needle on the gas gauge points to FULL, and the boat springs to life and zooms away, leaving SpongeBob and Squidward all alone in the wilderness]

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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