SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

Squidward: SpongeBob, this is the final straw. I'm going to move so far away that I will be able to brag about it. I would... [A piece of debris from his house falls on his head] I would rather tear out my brain-stem, carry it out into the middle of the nearest four-way intersection, and skip rope with it, than go on living where I do now.
[A TV falls on the ground]
Announcer: Hi, there! Is this the final straw? Do you want to move so far away that you can brag about it? Would you rather tear out your brain-stem, walk out to the middle of the nearest three-way...
Squidward: Four-way!
Announcer: ...four-way intersection and skip rope with it, than continue living where you do now? Then move to...
Patrick: [changes the channel] I hate this channel.
Squidward: No, NO! [changes it back]
Announcer: ...Tentacle Acres! Where happiness is just a suction cup away!

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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