SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

[SpongeBob holds up two candy bars]
SpongeBob: Look what I've got!
Patrick: Rectangles!
SpongeBob: Not just rectangles. Candy bars! [gives Patrick a candy bar] All we have to do is make them last the rest of our lives.
Patrick: Thanks, SpongeBob. I think I'll eat it now! [Patrick eats it in one bite and pauses for a few seconds] I think I'll eat it now! [goes to eat a non-existent chocolate bar and bites his hand instead] Ow! Wha...? [sees his hand has nothing in it] Where did my candy bar go? I must have dropped it!
SpongeBob: You just ate it, Patrick. It's all over your face.
Patrick: Where did it go? [grunting] I can't find it! Where could it possibly be? [looks up, sees SpongeBob holding a candy bar] Aha!
SpongeBob: What?
Patrick: You stole my candy bar!

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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