SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

Man-Ray: [falsely polite] Excuse me, sir, but I do believe you've dropped your wallet.
Patrick: Doesn't look familiar to me.
Man-Ray: What? But, I just saw you drop it. Here.
Patrick: No, it's not mine.
Man-Ray: It is yours. I am trying to be a good person in returning it to you.
Patrick: Return what to who?
[Man-Ray claps a hand over his face in frustration]
Man-Ray: [holding up ID card] Aren't you Patrick Star?
Patrick: Yep.
Man-Ray: And this is your ID.
Patrick: Yep.
Man-Ray: I found this ID in this wallet. And if that's the case, this must be your wallet.
Patrick: That makes sense to me.
Man-Ray: Then take it.
Patrick: It's not my wallet.

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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