SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

SpongeBob: Isn't this great, Squidward? Just you and me together for hours and hours and hours, and then the sun will come up, and it'll be tomorrow, and we'll still be working! [gasps] It'll be just like a sleepover! Only we'll be sweaty and covered with grease! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK SQUIDWARD?
Squidward: No.
SpongeBob: GOOD! 'Cause we got CUSTOMERS!
Squidward: Here. [hands a baseball bat to a customer] Please hit me as hard as you can.
SpongeBob: Hey Squidward. I'm working in the kitchen. [giggles] At night.
Squidward: [tilts his head sideways to the customer with the bat] Don't hold back.

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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