SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

SpongeBob: But sir, there's gotta be something I need to improve on... ANYTHING!
Plankton: All right, the sauce.
SpongeBob: [takes a step back] What...?
Plankton: The sauce, you're usin' too much sauce. Okay? Review's over.
[SpongeBob's eyes grow squinted and slanted, lips become distorted, and starts to spasm back and forth with his arms, making noises as if he's about to sob]
Plankton: What's wrong with you? All I said was a little too much sauce, it's no big deal, really. Aah, what do you want from me, a promotion?!
SpongeBob: [turns instantly normal] A promo- a promo- A PROMOTION?!
Plankton: Eeh, sure, kid. You're uh... you're on register now.
SpongeBob: [a lit fuse having appeared as if he were a bomb][gasps] Register? [explodes]
Plankton: Glad that's over.

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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