Stage Door Quote

Southern Sheriff: [to Elmer, who has no pants on] You're under arrest for indecent southern exposure. Is agin' the law. Get a-goin'! It's the hoosegow for you, bub. [as they are leaving the theater, a Bugs Bunny cartoon starts playing]
Southern Sheriff: Say, just a moment. Hold your horses. It's one of them Bugs Bunny cartoonies a-comin' on. I just dotes on that there critter's doin's. Sit, son. I ain't a gonna miss this'n.
Bugs Bunny: [On screen] Eh, what's up, Doc?
Southern Sheriff: [Laughing] Look at that critter! What a scalawag! Don't he beat all? [On screen, Bugs is putting on the sheriff costume]
Southern Sheriff: I can't stand it! He's a-killin' me!
Elmer Fudd: Hey! Wait a minute, you impostor. You're not shewiff. You're the wabbit in disguise. Off with it, you twickster. [Tears off the sheriff's clothes; he's not Bugs Bunny after all]
Southern Sheriff: Hmm. You'll swing for this, sir! [as the sheriff escorts Elmer out of the theater, the band conductor takes off his wig and reveals himself as Bugs]
Bugs Bunny: [Imitating Jimmy Durante] Ah-ha-ha-ha! I got a million of them!

Movie: Stage Door


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