Star Wars Quotes

Ahsoka Tano: Well, I'd best be getting back to my Master before he misses me.

Tera Sinube: Certainly. But first, I need one last favor from you.

Ahsoka Tano: Sure, name it.

Tera Sinube: Pass on what you have learned.

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: Well, Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi Knight to the rescue once again.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: After all these years, you're even more beautiful than ever.

Satine Kryze: Kind words for a man who accuses me of treachery.

Movie: Star Wars
Count Dooku: [via hologram] Consider: once the senate orders piece keeping troops to Mandalore, the people will be surrounded by a military presense. Most distasteful. They will rebel.

Pre Vizsla: And rally the Death Watch. Our insurgence will grow stronger.

Count Dooku: Yes. And Dutchess Satine will fall.

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: I have to tell you, I'm opposed to all of this!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: I'd be disappointed if you weren't.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Well it certainly took you long enough!

Satine Kryze: You know, I haven't saved you yet!

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: For a man sworn to peace, you take an unseemly pleasure in the injuries of others.

Satine Kryze: For a woman sworn to non-violence, you don't seem troubled that I could have been killed.

Satine Kryze: But you weren't. And yet I still haven't heard any thanks.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Well, you certainly haven't changed much.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: We'll have to stand and fight. Or in your case, just stand.

Movie: Star Wars
Pre Vizsla: For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Now, that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian. Defend her, if you will.
[throws Obi-Wan his lightsaber, who instantly ignites it]

Pre Vizsla: This lightsaber was stolen from the Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic. Since then, many Jedi have died upon its blade. Prepare yourself to join them.

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Your Highness is too kind.

Satine Kryze: You're right, I am.

Movie: Star Wars
Orn Free Taa: Deep fried Nuna leg! Hm, delicious.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Do you always carry a deactivator?

Satine Kryze: Just because I'm a pacifist doesn't mean I won't defend myself.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Now you sound like a Jedi.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Just like that swarm of venom-mites on Draboon, remember?

Satine Kryze: How could I forget? I still have the scar.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Begging your pardon, Duchess, I distinctly remember carrying you to safety.

Satine Kryze: I meant the scar I got after you fell and dropped me.

Movie: Star Wars
Orn Free Taa: Ah! Dessert, excellent.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: This morsel may prove too much even for the legendary appetite of Orn Free Taa.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: This may not be the time to ask, but were you and Satine ever...

Obi-Wan Kenobi: I don't see how that has any bearing on the situation at hand!

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: I'll take care of this, Obi-Wan. You, go find your girlfriend.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Right... Anakin, no! She's not my girlfr...

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: Obi-Wan... it looks like I may never see you again. I don't know quite how to say this, but I've loved you from the moment you came to my aid, all those years ago.

Tal Merrik: [rolls his eyes] I don't believe this.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Satine, this is hardly the time or place for...
[notices her desperation]

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Alright. Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi order.

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: You have the romantic soul of a slug, Merrik.
[stomps his boot with her high heel, grabs his weapon as he releases his grip on her]

Satine Kryze: And slugs are so often trod upon.

Movie: Star Wars
OM-5: [approaching a downed Republic Gunship] Careful. It might be full of Clones.

OM-7: [opens Gunship hatch] Eh, no clones, just explosives. Explosives?

Movie: Star Wars
Master Di: For the Republic. For the Twi'leks!

Movie: Star Wars
Tal Merrik: [held at gunpoint by Satine] Interesting turnabout. But even if I do not deliver the Duchess to the Sepratists, I still win. The second I'm away, I'll simply trigger the explosives and blow the Coronet to bits.

Satine Kryze: I will NOT allow that!

Tal Merrik: [laughs] What are you going to do? If you shoot me, you brand yourself a hypocrite to every pacifist idea you hold dear. And you, Kenobi, you're no stranger to violence. You'd be hailed as a hero by everyone on the ship. Well, almost everyone.
[Obi-Wan glances at Satine]

Tal Merrik: Come on, then. Who will strike first and brand themselves a cold-blooded killer?
[Anakin stabs Merrik through the chest, killing him]

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin...

Anakin Skywalker: What? He was gonna blow up the ship.

Movie: Star Wars
Satine Kryze: I'm not too sure about the beard.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Why? What's wrong with it?

Satine Kryze: It hides too much of your handsome face.

Anakin Skywalker: Whoa. What was that all about?

Movie: Star Wars
[last lines]

Anakin Skywalker: [about Satine] A remarkable woman.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Yes, remarkable...

Movie: Star Wars
Narrator: A diplomatic mission! As dissent threatens to tear apart the peaceful Mandalore system, Duchess Satine struggles to protect her people against the escalating violence. Betrayed by two of her trusted allies, Satine now travels to Coruscant. There, she hopes to convince the Senate that a destructive splinter group, Death Watch, does not represent the entire Mandalorian government.

Movie: Star Wars
Count Dooku: With your Death Watch army in place, now all we need do is to sit and wait.

Pre Vizsla: [via hologram] Bur for how long? My men are anxious to fight.

Count Dooku: Considering the plot we have just set in motion, I assure you, the republic will oblige you the fight you are looking for.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Rushing in like this, it's... it's foolhardy.

Duchess Satine Kryze: Ironic words from a man who spends his days running hither and yon, wielding his lightsaber with deadly force as if on a crusade! Why should I listen to someone who so frequently relies on violence? In my opinion, you're the one who's foolhardy.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: You should turn yourself in. We have both sworn a loyalty to the Republic.

Duchess Satine Kryze: Believe me, neither one of us is breaking our oath. And this will prove it.
[hands him a recording disc]

Duchess Satine Kryze: I need to get it into the proper hands.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Things are changing. And sometimes the line between friend and foe is blurred. Now more than ever.

Movie: Star Wars
Duchess Satine Kryze: If the Republic gets involved in our affairs, it will only lead to further violence. Thus I shall reassert our position of neutrality.

Mas Amedda: [scoffs] Talk of an idealist!

Duchess Satine Kryze: No, those are the words of a pacifist, and a people who have chosen non-violent action.

Movie: Star Wars
Duchess Satine Kryze: Perhaps if more citizens got hysterical, they'd be more inclined to speak up when the Republic tramples on its rights!

Movie: Star Wars
Onaconda Farr: It is quite exciting.
Padmé Amidala: Exciting isn't exactly the word I would use. I think terrifying is more appropriate.

Movie: Star Wars