Star Wars: The Force Awakens Quote

Bala-Tik: Kanjiklub wants their investment back too.
Han Solo: I never made a deal with Kanjuklub!
Bala-Tik: Tell that to Kanjiklub. [Kanjiklub' gang enters the other end of the corridor lead by Leech]
Han Solo: Tasu Leech. Good to see you.
Tasu Leech: [translated from an alien dialect]Wrong again, Solo. It's over for you.
Han Solo: Boys, you're both gonna get what I promised. Have I ever not delivered for you before?
Bala-Tik: Yeah.
Tasu Leech: Twice! [looks confused at Chewie who nods]
Han Solo: What was the second time?

Movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens


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