Star Wars: The Last Jedi Quote

Snoke: [Rey's restrains are undone]Come closer, child. So much strength. Darkness rises and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise. [uses the force to take Rey's lightsaber]
Snoke: Skywalker... [laughs]
Snoke: I assumed, wrongly. Closer I said. [uses the force to slowly move Rey toward him]
Rey: You underestimate Skywalker and Ben Solo and me. It will be your downfall.
Snoke: Oh. Have you seen something? A weakness... in my apprentice... is that why you came? [laughs]
Snoke: Young fool. It was I who bridged your minds. I stopped Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you and you were not wise enough to resist the bait. [moves Rey closer and looks face to face with her]
Snoke: Now, you will give me Skywalker, then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke.
Rey: No.
Snoke: Yes. [forces Rey into the air]
Snoke: Give me everything. [Rey screams in agony]

Movie: Star Wars: The Last Jedi


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