Stargate - Atlantis Quote

Lt. Col. Sheppard: Just out of political curiosity, how much trouble is it gonna cause you if I knock this Woolsey guy in the head?
Dr. Weir: May I ask why you'd like to do that?
Lt. Col. Sheppard: It's just an impulse I had, really...One I suspect I'm gonna have again next time I see him. He may not even have to say anything.
Dr. Weir: I've never seen you like this. What did Woolsey say to you?
Lt. Col Sheppard: Besides judging every damned decision you've ever made?
Dr. Weir: John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
Lt. Col Sheppard: ...And, judging me for agreeing with you.
Dr. Weir: Well, don't be too hard on him. I think of all the circling wolves, he's the least likely to actually bite. In fact, he might even convince the others to leave us alone.
Lt. Col. Sheppard: Alright, head knocking?
Dr. Weir: It's the thought that counts.

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis


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