Stargate - Atlantis Quote

[Sheppard and McKay burst into the brig, where O'Neill and Woolsey are being held]
Gen. O'Neill: Hey! Thanks for the rescue!
Dr. McKay: Oh, problem.
Gen. O'Neill: No! You should be saying, "Thanks for the rescue!"
Dr. McKay: Oh, ah, right...thanks. Should have you out of there in no time. This won't take long at all.
[McKay fiddles with the door controls, an error tone sounds]
Dr. McKay: Oh, my...they, they, they've changed the codes.
Woolsey: ...But you can crack it, right? You need to get us out of here!
Dr. McKay: Yeah, of course I can...just give me, like, 1...2 seconds.
Gen. O'Neill: ...So, I guess that frozen replicator plan didn't pan out!?
Dr. McKay: Yeah...not so much.
Gen. O'Neill: How's that plan "B" workin' for ya? Good?
Dr. McKay: Actually, it''s more like, uh, plan "C".
[McKay looks hopefully at O'Neill and Woolsey, O'Neill and Woolsey stare blankly at McKay]
Dr. McKay: ...As in C-4, if you catch my drift?
Gen. O'Neill: No.
Dr. McKay: Let's just say that we're concerned that the Daedalus won't be able to carry out your standing orders.
Woolsey: What? To destroy Atlantis with nuclear weapons? I thought we were past that! Why would we be going back to that?
Dr. McKay: Yeah, it's the only way.
Gen. O'Neill: Can you do that?
Dr. McKay: Yeah...If we plant charges in all 10 of the shield emitters before the Daedalus arrives, that way, when the replicators try to activate the shields...
Woolsey: ...The C-4 detonates, the Daedalus beams a warhead into the city, and we're all vaporized.
[O'Neill turns quickly to look at McKay]
Gen. O'Neill: [Agitated] Sounds more l

TV Show: Stargate Atlantis


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