Sunset Strip Quotes

Darius Hawthorne: [while Andy reads a new sketch] What do you think?
Andy Mackinaw: I'm on page 2 and I still don't know what it's about.
Darius Hawthorne: See, it's about the world's dumbest criminal who takes hostages in a bank...
Andy Mackinaw: 'Kay, well you're going to have to explain it to everybody in the audience exactly like that, because I'm on page 2 and I still don't know what it's about.

Movie: Sunset Strip
Harriet Hayes: First of all, could you stop telling people we broke up because of the national anthem? It makes me sound like an idiot.
Matt Albie: Actually, the consensus is it makes me sound like an idiot.
Harriet Hayes: Well, be that as it may and truer words were never spoke, please stop it.

Movie: Sunset Strip
Mackenzie Phillips: We would spend hours getting ready but we would spend hours clipping our hair, hoping that we would look like mental patients.

Movie: Sunset Strip
Richard Pryor: I went to penitentiary one time, not me personally, but me and Gene went there for a movie. Arizona State Penitentiary Population: 90 percent black people. But there are no black people in Arizona, they have to bus mother****ers in!

Movie: Sunset Strip
Veronica: I'd sleep with him, if I thought it would help.

Movie: Sunset Strip
Wes Mendell: This show used to be cutting-edge political and social satire, but it's gotten lobotomized by a candy-assed broadcast network hell-bent on doing nothing that might challenge their audience. We were about to do a sketch you've seen already about five hundred times. Yeah, no one is going to confuse George Bush with George Plimpton. We get it. We're all being lobotomized by this country's most influential industry! It's just thrown in the towel on any endeavor to do anything that doesn't include the courting of twelve-year-old boys. Not even the smart twelve-year-olds - the stupid ones! The idiots - of which there are plenty, thanks in no small measure to this network! So why don't you just change the channel? Turn off the TV. Do it right now. Go ahead. [in the control booth]
Jerry: Get the camera off of him!
Cal Shanley: And put it on what?
Jerry: Cut the boom mike then!
Cal Shanley: It's his show! I take my instructions from him!
Wes Mendell: [Wes is still talking] ... struggle between art and commerce. Well there's always been a struggle between art and commerce, and now I'm telling you, art is getting it's ass kicked, and it's making us mean, and it's making us bitchy. It's making us cheap punks - that's not who we are! People are having contests to see how much they can be like Donald Trump?
Jerry: Are you bleeping this out?
Tech: He hasn't said anything you're not allowed to say.
Jerry: He's telling people to change the channel!
Cal Shanley: I don't think you have to worry about anybody changing the channel right now.
Jerry: Get him off or you don't have a job tomorrow!
Cal Shanley: I'm running a live nat

Movie: Sunset Strip
Mark Mahoney: I'm going tell you a story of vice and of glory and how it was back in the day. The yellow brick road it ain't, it's the streets of sinners, not of saints. It's LA's Champs De Sleesay. I'm going to make it funky in the style of super junky poets of the ain't going to school. And we'll ride east to west in a short that's the best. So lean back, dig the ride and be cool.

Movie: Sunset Strip