Tales of Symphonia (VG) Quotes

[says it if you're defeated in the battle against Yuan and Botta]
Yuan: Curse your fate, for standing in my way!

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)
[says it when you're defeated in battle against Forcystus]
Forcystus: No mercy for the weak!

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)
Regal Bryant: W... where am I?
Lloyd Irving: You're our prisoner. Don't try anything funny.
Regal Bryant: I like to think that I'm smart enough not to start trouble when I don't understand the situation.

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)
Regal Bryant: What is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)
Sebastian: I was instructed by the Pope and an emissary of His Majesty Tethe'alla the 18th to report as soon as the Chosen returned.
Zelos Wilder: You can just ignore that.
Sebastian: Yes, sir. Ah... And who is the guest with the two swords?
Zelos Wilder: My bud. [to Lloyd]
Zelos Wilder: Just make yourselves at home.
Sebastian: If there is anything you need, Sir Bud, please speak to me. [leaves]
Lloyd Irving: ...My name's not 'Bud'!

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)
Sheena Fujibayashi: I call upon the heavenly messangers, I summon thee, come, Slyph!

Movie: Tales of Symphonia (VG)