The Best of Me Quote

Young Amanda: Are you actually about to say something else?
Younger Dawson: My cousin thinks you were trying to talk to me the other day.
Young Amanda: I was.
Younger Dawson: He thinks I blew it.
Young Amanda: You did. You don't know how to flirt, do you?
Younger Dawson: Guess not.
Young Amanda: Well, what are you gonna do about it? OK. This isn't working. OK, I'll tell you want. uh... I want you to think about it and, uh... meet me at Squeals Saturday night at 6: 00 maybe? - Dawson nodes his head - Is that a yes?
Younger Dawson: Yeah.
Young Amanda: OK. Maybe you'll figure out how to flirt with me by then. -Amanda Starts Engine - Thank you.
Younger Dawson: You're welcome.

Movie: The Best of Me


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