The Break-Up Quotes

Billy, Gang Member: [to Jeff] You the fella looking for his wife?

Movie: The Break-Up
Brooke: You're crazy.
Gary: No, I'm not crazy and a lot of times people go Oh that's crazy! then they go It's genious!. That's what happened to the person who invented fire, they burned that witch and guess what, then they got warm and they ate good stuff. Now where are we headed to. Let's not make this weird 'cause I'm not good on dates...

Movie: The Break-Up
Brooke: My sister has been through a lot...
Gary: ...of dick!

Movie: The Break-Up
Lupus Grobowski: Arrested for what, baby? For being awesome?

Movie: The Break-Up
Marilyn Dean: Go and show Gary your immaculate canvas, and another man eager to PAINT it.

Movie: The Break-Up
[first lines]
Gary: Come on, come on, come on.
Johnny O: All right, here we go.

Movie: The Break-Up