The Fast Show Quote

Unlucky Alf: Bah, puddle. Knowing my luck, if I step in that, I'll go straight up t' me middle. I'll take me chances wi' road. Though knowing my luck, I'll probbly get run over.
[he steps out onto the road but is stopped by a passer-by, before a passing car nearly hits him]
Passer-By: Whoah! Hold up, grandad, what you doin'? You don't wanna walk in that road, you'll get whacked.
Unlucky Alf: Well I'm not going in there young'un, knowing my luck it's probbly 'bout 4 or 5 foot deep.
Passer-By: Nah, you're all right, look. [he stamps about in the puddle] You won't even get your feet wet, hardly.
Unlucky Alf: Oh, all right then, here goes nothin'
[he steps in the puddle and falls in up to his waist]
Unlucky Alf: Oh...bugger!
Passer-By: Well, that was a bit unlucky.
[the passer-by walks away leaving Alf in the puddle]

TV Show: The Fast Show


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