The First Time Quote

Aubrey Miller: Last summer, I, uh, I got to visit my uncle and his boyfriend in Madrid and one day I was just like, walking around and I got lost. And I, and I, my cellphone was dead and I had no idea where their apartment was and then, and then I was worried because I was, like, going to have to adapt to life as a street person in Madrid and finally, I like, wandered out into this plaza and I sat down by a fountain and I just, like, breathed. And I realized, I had been so focused on where I was going and, and getting back that I hadn't even noticed... where I was. And I hadn't noticed anything. And so I, I started to. I started to notice the... personality of the architecture and, like the, the way the people would just like, greet each other in the streets and even the sky looked... like, different over there. And it felt like I was just letting go of something... But also like finally in the world... And, you know, I eventually found my way back but those few hours, those were like the best, the best part of my trip. And I just, I wanna get back out there so bad. There's so much stuff I wanna see...

Movie: The First Time


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