The Great Escape Quote

[ gathering wood to shore up the tunnels, Hilts removes the wooden slats from bunk beds in the sleeping area of the prisoner barracks, holding a stack of them, and walks carefully out into the hallway ]
Flight Lt. Denys Cavendish "The Surveyor" : [ passes Hilts in the hallway on his way to his bunk bed ] Five gold rings. Four calling birds - bloody singing, I've never worked so hard in all my life. Hi, Hilts!
Hilts : [ turns and tries to warn him ] Say, Cavendish...
Flight Lt. Denys Cavendish "The Surveyor" : Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge in a pear - Alley-oop! [ Cavendish climbs to the top bunk, and vaults onto the unsupported mattress, which collapses under his weight through the bed frame, as well as the two beneath it. Hilts approaches the doorway and sees Cavendish on the floor ]
Hilts : Never mind. [ Leaves ]

Movie: The Great Escape


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